
在滴滴出行發佈收購Uber中國的消息後,Uber創始人兼CEO特拉維斯·卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)在Facebook上公開瞭發給Uber中國全體員工的郵件內容。







三 年前,我們成立瞭一個小組到北京,去探查我們在中國究竟該如何擴展業務。這是一個大膽的想法,尤其是那時Uber仍然還是一傢很小的初創企業,那時在中國 甚至還沒有人曾經聽說過我們。而且,我們每次討論有關進軍中國努力的時候,大部分人都認為我們過於天真,瘋狂,或兩者兼而有之。但是,我們看問題的角度不 同,當然。中國蘊藏著驚人的機會,是一個令人鼓舞的國傢。世界上大部分的大城市都在中國,其對交通方式創新的渴求是獨一無二的。Uber在中國的使命- “運輸成為自來水一樣的可靠服務,隨時隨地為所有人服務。”獲得瞭強烈的共鳴。

成為一個企業傢,意味著你自然成為一個探險愛好者,去做大傢 都認為不可能的事情,對未知抱有樂觀的信念。滴滴成立兩年後,Uber在2014年2月進入瞭這個未知的領域。我們進入瞭大多數美國互聯網公司折戟沉沙的 國度,那時我們是一個來自美國的不成熟業務模式,產品也需要重建。如今Uber中國已經是Uber開創的最完整的業務模式之一,因為我們不得不一切從頭開始。

推出短短兩年多,我們在中國已經擴展到瞭60個城市,每周提供超過4000萬駕次的服務。我們的團隊現在已經超過800人,為他們的城 市提供最好的服務。我們對招聘的理念一直是尋找最好中的最好,我們在中國取得令人難以置信的成功是因為大傢的努力。你們是最聰明和最有能力的中華兒女,你 們的使命一直是為每一個中國城市建設創新的交通系統,並服務於這些城市和這些城市的人民。

在北京和中國各地的創業社區,我們的員工和我們的系統已經為中國的科技公司樹立黃金標桿。你們的努力 - 以及在舊金山中國工程和產品團隊的努力 - 不僅鼓舞瞭我們全球數千名員工,也對我個人產生瞭巨大鼓舞。

但 是,作為一個企業傢,我已經瞭解到,成功除瞭要盡可能隨心而動,還要盡力遵從理智。為中國城市以及依賴於Uber的司機和用戶繼續提供服務,隻有在盈利的 情況下才有可能。此次合並為完成Uber和滴滴的共同使命鋪平瞭道路。它為未來城市交通的創新釋放瞭大量的資源,從自動駕駛技術到食品和物流的創新。

我們的中國經驗使Uber成為一個更好、更強的公司。滴滴是一個兇狠的競爭對手,我尊重滴滴和他們團隊已經取得的成果。 Uber中國隨著你的努力成為一個傳奇。在這不平凡的中國旅程之中,與你們工作和學習是我生命中最重要的經歷之一。

我 要感謝Yanqi,Kate,Gang,Cleo,Zhen,Allen和整個Uber中國團隊,讓我們取得瞭目前的成功。同樣非常感謝Han、 Vinay和Pedram所領導的Uber中國產品和工程團隊,感謝他們的勤勞和創造。中國對我們來說是一次豪賭,我對我們已經取得的一切感到無比的自 豪。我在全體員工大會上與你們探討我們未來的征程,以及我們將如何與我們的新夥伴為中國城市合作提供服務。請繼續關註大會的確切時間,Allen不久之後 會發送新的信息。



以下為Travis Kalanick 發佈的Facebook原文:

I sent an email to my UberChina team regarding the merger of UberChina and Didi. I thought I would share here on the news and what has been one of the most rewarding experiences I've had as an entrepreneur.



I wanted to let you know that we have reached an agreement to merge UberChina with Didi Chuxing. UberChina's value will represent a 20% stake in the combined entity with Uber being Didi's largest shareholder.

Let me explain why we are doing this.

Three years ago, a small group of us went on a scouting mission to Beijing to see how we could expand into China.

It was a big, bold idea, especially given that Uber was still a relatively small start-up and no one in China had ever even heard of us. And of course, anytime we got into a discussion about our efforts in China, most people thought we were naive, crazy – or both. We saw things differently of course. China is an inspiring country with astonishing opportunity. Many of the world’s mega cities are Chinese, and their thirst for transportation innovation is second to none. Uber’s mission to make “transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere for everyone” resonates especially strongly in China.

Being an entrepreneur means you are an explorer by nature, doing what everyone thinks is impossible but with an optimistic perspective on the unknown. Uber entered this uncharted territory in February 2014, two years after Didi was founded. We were a young American business entering a country where most US internet companies had failed to crack the code, and with a product that needed rebuilding. Our China effort has been one of Uber's most entrepreneurial because we literally had to start from scratch.

Since launching just over two years ago, we have expanded to over 60 cities in China and we are serving over 40 million rides per week. Our team is now 800 strong, nobly serving their cities. Our philosophy on people has always been to hire the best of the best and our incredible success in China is due to all of you. You are the smartest and most entrepreneurial sons and daughters of China whose mission has been to build a transportation system in every Chinese city, and to serve those cities and to serve the people.

In the startup community in Beijing and across China, our people and our systems for empowering them have set the gold standard for Chinese technology companies. Your efforts -- and the efforts of our China engineering and product teams back in San Francisco -- have not only been been an inspiration to our thousands of employees globally but to me personally.

However, as an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that being successful is about listening to your head as much as following your heart. Sustainably serving China’s cities, and the riders and drivers who live in them, is only possible with profitability. This merger paves the way for our team and Didi’s to partner on an enormous mission, and it frees up a substantial resources for bold initiatives focused on the future of cities -- from self-driving technology to the future of food and logistics.

Uber is a better, stronger company because of our China experience. Didi has been a fierce competitor and I respect all that Didi and their team have accomplished. UberChina certainly rose to the occasion and your hustle and work ethic is the stuff of legend. Working with and learning from all of you in this remarkable China journey has been one of the great experiences in my life.

I want to thank Yanqi, Kate, Gang, Cleo, Zhen, Allen and the entire UberChina team for getting us to this point. A big shout out as well to our UberChina product and engineering team, led by Han, Vinay and Pedram, for all their hard work and creativity. China was a big bet for us and I’m incredibly proud of everything we have achieved. I will be台灣註冊商標查詢 doing an All Hands to talk to you all about our new journey forward, and how we will work with our new partner in serving China and her cities. Stay tuned for the exact time--Allen will send a note around shortly.

With much UberChina love,



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